Psychedelic Integration Therapy in Denver, CO
Reveal your journey’s lessons
Disclaimer: I do not promote nor endorse the use of illegal psychedelic substances. Psychedelic Integration therapy does not involve using any illegal psychedelic substances during sessions. I do offer counseling and guidance for your personal use of psilocybin (under the decriminalization of "personal use" clause in Proposition 122). I also offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP).
You’re feeling lost between the worlds
Do any of these sound familiar?
You’ve had an intense psychedelic journey that has left you questioning everything about your very existence.
Your latest psychedelic trip led you to some dark places where you’d like to shed some light.
You’ve dabbled in small journeys or microdosing and are curious about what would happen if you tried a bigger journey.
You feel out of control and confused after partaking in psychedelics--something you’ve never felt previously.
You feel ungrounded--like you are between this reality and the one beyond.
You have started using psychedelics more and more frequently to avoid trying to understand what is going on in your “real life”.
Things just don’t feel right.
These odd and confusing feelings have started to seep into the rest of your life. You can’t share what is going on with most people in your life. Your partner claims that you’ve changed and you don’t even realize it. You’ve become so focused on the issues that the journey has brought up that you are distracted at home and work.
Honestly, you wanted some disruption in your life, that’s one reason you’ve tried psychedelics. But the changes that you’ve experienced just don’t feel safe or positive right now.
You’d love to be able to talk through some of what is going on, but you’re not sure who to trust. You know that psychedelics are becoming more acceptable, but the people you know, just don’t understand what you’re going through.
Let’s unpack what you’ve experienced
Process unexpected changes
Your world has shifted because of the experiences you’ve had. Psychedelics have this effect, which is why people have partnered with these medicines for millennia. Many people still use these medicines in ceremony, with support from elders. Confiding in a trusted therapist can help you process these experiences and bring back the lessons to your “real life.” This is what integration therapy is all about.
If we do not spend time integrating these lessons, if we jump back into taking more medicine before we’ve truly processed what we learned, we risk becoming numb to the medicine and the lessons. We can become fragmented and ungrounded, losing our way in between the worlds.
Integrate with movement and art
Often we process and integrate all types of experiences within our bodies before we can make sense of them in our minds and conversations. During psychedelic integration we may move into the body to do gentle movement or body-focused meditation to help incorporate the lessons learned into your life.
Similar to movement, often we can transform our experiences into imagery or colors to make sense of our journey. Using artistic mediums like paint or crayons can help support full psychedelic integration.
During psychedelic integration therapy sessions I provide compassion, acceptance, curiosity, and accurate information about the most recent thoughts on minimizing negative experiences.
Psychedelic integration therapy
Can help you:
Receive education around the risks and benefits of psychedelic use.
Gain clarity about what you’d like to gain during your next experience.
Make sense of a confusing or difficult journey.
Reconnect with your sense of well being.
Feel safe and content in your mind and body again.
Discuss how psychedelics have already brought meaning and transformation to your life and relationships.
Determine if and how using psychedelics can bring you future change and healing.
What IS Psychedelic Integration Therapy?
It is a dedicated space and time to ground the lessons and insights gained from a psychedelic journey into your “regular” waking life. It can take many different forms from talking to dancing or doing art. This phase of using psychedelic substances is essential to reaping the benefits of these experiences.
What is microdosing?
This involves taking a sub-perceptible dose of a psilocybin, LSD, San Pedro or other psychedelic substances. Although no formal research shows benefit, many people believe this practice can provide many mental and physical health benefits.
Can we legally use psilocybin in therapy sessions?
Colorado passed Proposition 122 in November, 2022 making psilocybin-assisted therapeutic services legally available in Colorado toward the end of 2024.
Proposition 122 also decriminalized the personal use of psilocybin mushrooms. This means it is currently no longer a criminal offense to “obtain, possess, or ingest psilocybin.” It is also no longer a criminal offense to give away psilocybin mushrooms without payment to people over the age of 21 years.
Do you offer Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?
Yes I do offer Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). This is a legal psychedelic therapy that involves sublingually ingesting a light to moderate dose of ketamine during a multi-hour session with a trained therapist.
Like other psychedelic experiences, it is imperative to integrate what occurs during KAP, or risk missing out on the valuable lessons learned.
Learn more about my KAP offerings.