Meet Pam Peters—inclusive couple and family therapist in Denver Colorado
Now offering Ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP)
Find and follow your road less traveled
Being the real you has always felt wrong
Do you sometimes feel shame or guilt for wanting to do things differently?
You and your partner know you can be in intimate relationships with more than just one person—most of the world disagrees. Or, maybe you’ve found transformation and meaning in different experiences, like taking psychedelics with your adult siblings to reconnect—this isn’t a common idea in your circles. These are beliefs and behaviors that you didn’t grow up with. Maybe your family even calls you the “black sheep.” But this is just who you are! I want to help you embrace these differences, to move beyond the beliefs that no longer serve you. Together we can bring your way of life and relationships in line with your beliefs. I accept these aspects of who you are. I want you to love these parts of you too.
I’m Pam Peters
What is it like to work with me?
I work collaboratively with my clients. I want to complement your expertise in what is best for you and your relationships. I work side-by-side with you to help you make the changes you desire. I want to know what is working for you and what is not. I will ask for feedback from you so we can accomplish your goals.
See it, feel it, heal it
When you work with me it can get messy. I will help you start to see the outdated patterns that cause you and your partner(s) or family pain and disconnect. In the beginning, therapy might be a place to play out your crap. Once we can all see the patterns, we can strategize to work against them. Ultimately you will feel your way into healed and changed ways of being in your relationships.
Silence can be golden
I will ask you questions that bring you in touch with your experiences. At times this may feel challenging or even like the questions are unanswerable. This is the time to sit in the silence. Feel what it is like to move into your body and to be authentically you. Silent contemplation is often uncomfortable for people. I like to see what comes out of the silence.
50+ Years of Lived Experience
Gen X Baby
I have 50+ years of lived experience in this crazy world. I am many things other than a therapist: daughter, friend, advocate, older sister, spouse, and mother of two teens. I know about the highs and lows of family life at this stage. I lived through my own parent’s divorce and the transition to living with step siblings. Everyone has their own story. I have many life experiences that have made me who I am today—and give me perspective and a capacity to walk alongside you in your journey.
Denver Born and Raised
I was born and raised in Denver. Although I have lived in other states and countries, I always return because I have deep roots and loves here. I am committed to continuing to create healing and beauty in my home state. I also have been involved for 12+ years in the Denver poly community.
Psychedelic Community and Training
I’m active in the Colorado psychedelic community. I campaigned to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms in 2019 and was a founding member of the Board of Directors for the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and Education (SPORE). I believe in the power of mind-altering experiences and welcome clients into my sessions who want to process and integrate these experiences.
In addition to integration sessions, I offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) to help with symptoms of depression and PTSD as well as self exploration. I’ve had several powerful therapeutic experiences with this medicine and love supporting others to navigate their journeys.

Infinite number of ways to be you
There are as many ways of being humans in relationship as there are relationships. There is not a blueprint for living these different ways. Together we can create a life that is authentically yours.
Experience and Education
Education & Licensure
M.A. Marriage and Family Therapy, Regis University
M.A. Cultural Anthropology, Prescott College
B.A. Comparative Literature, Brown University
Colorado Pre-licensure MFTC.0014350
Psychedelic Facilitator Immersive: Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Space Holding & Integration Certificate, Elemental Psychedelics, May, 2023
4+ Years Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline Volunteer, Blue Bench
30+ Year Career in the High Tech Industry
4+ Year Career as Art School Teacher and Owner
1 Year Trip Sitter Volunteer, Zendo Project
Professional Associations & Awards
2023 Regis University Division of Counseling and Family Therapy Excellence in Leadership Award
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Founding Board Member, Society for Psychedelic Outreach Reform and Education (SPORE)
Family Systems
Emotionally Focused for Couples (EFT)
Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)
Solution Focused
Feminist Theory
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Treatment Modalities
Hughes, S., Terpak, L., Capps, R., Peters, P., Lilly, N., & Rivard, D. (2025). Psilocybin mushroom stewardship: A qualitative inquiry into practices and priorities of “underground” psilocybin mushroom practitioners. Journal of Psychedelic Studies. https://doi.org/10.1556/2054.2025.00375